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Your Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) works with the Chief Constable of Norfolk Police to provide you with the best possible service. We want you to be safe and feel safe where you live and work, and everyone has a right to fair and honest treatment and should expect a professional service. 

Sometimes, however, things can go wrong and when this happens we would like you to tell us so that we have an opportunity to apologise and put things right.  

Conversely, if you feel that something has been done well, or you would like to highlight a member of staff for their service to you, then we always appreciate any complimentary comments. 

Complaints that are submitted to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) are handled in line with our Complaints Handling Policy and supplementary guidance on managing unacceptable or unreasonable complainant behaviour. 

OPCCN Complaints Handling Policy

Unacceptable Complainant Behaviour Policy

Complaints against Norfolk Constabulary

Your PCC holds responsibility for delivering an efficient and effective police service in the Norfolk area. The PCC’s role is to support and, when necessary, challenge the Chief Constable. By law, the PCC cannot get involved in operational policing, investigate individual cases or task officers to incidents. This is the responsibility of the Chief Constable.  

With respect to complaints, the PCC is responsible for monitoring how the Constabulary handles complaints against its officers and staff, but is not involved in the investigation of such complaints.  The PCC also has responsibility for complaints against the Chief Constable. 

You can complain about the behaviour of or action by the police that has directly affected you, adversely affected you or that you have witnessed. If you wish to make a complaint on behalf of someone else who falls into one or more of the above categories, you will require written permission from the person affected. Solicitors must also gain written permission if they are acting on a person’s behalf. 

Complaints against Norfolk Constabulary should be sent to the Professional Standards Department who will assess your information and respond to you. Their contact details are: 

Professional Standards Department 
Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies 
Jubilee House 
Falconers Chase 
NR18 0WW 


Telephone: 101 and ask for the Professional Standards Department. 

You can also complain directly to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Details of how to do this can be found on the IOPC website

Reviews of complaints against Norfolk Constabulary

New regulations which came into place on 1 February 2020 mean that anyone who remains dissatisfied with the way that Norfolk Constabulary has dealt with their complaint has the right to request a review of the outcome. The review will be considered by either the OPCCN or the IOPC. You will be advised of the relevant review body at the conclusion of the complaint in writing.

Complaints reviews

Complaints against the Chief Constable

Your PCC has a statutory duty to consider complaints against the Chief Constable. If you wish to make a formal complaint against the Chief Constable, please contact the PCC in writing at OPCCN, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 0WW. 

Please note that the OPCCN cannot investigate anonymous complaints and will not enter into correspondence with individuals who have used foul or abusive language.

Complaints against the Police and Crime Commissioner or OPCCN staff

Any complaint about the conduct of your PCC, OPCCN staff, policies and procedures or any volunteer working on the PCC’s behalf should be put in writing to the OPCCN Chief Executive, Mark Stokes.

The Chief Executive has been given delegated authority by the Norfolk Police and Crime Panel  to carry out the initial handling of complaints. He will pass complaints on to the Panel if deemed appropriate.

Complaint monitoring reports are provided to the Panel and can be found within the published agendas here: 

7th March 2024
30th October 2023
27th April 2023
27th June 2022
1st February 2022
13th July 2021
2 February 2021
23 July 2020
4th February 2020


Whistleblowing is the reporting (through confidential channels) of any behaviour which is suspected to be illegal, improper or unethical. Statutory provisions relating to the disclosure of information by employees (known as whistleblowing) to expose malpractice, criminal offences, etc. within an organisation apply to police officers, police staff and the staff of the OPCCN.

You are a whistleblower if you are a worker and you report certain types of wrongdoing. This will usually be something you’ve seen at work - though not always. The wrongdoing you disclose must be in the public interest. This means it must affect others, for example the general public. It is the responsibility of all staff of the OPCCN to report any behaviour which they suspect may be corrupt, dishonest or unethical and all staff are encouraged to do so.

Individuals are protected from action by their employer (e.g. victimisation or dismissal) in respect of disclosures falling within categories set out in section 43B of the Employment Rights Act 1996. They can be reassured of total confidentiality or anonymity if they do not wish to provide their details, however if a response is required, then contact details should be included.

These statutory provisions are reflected in the policies and guidance that apply to staff of the Constabulary and the PCC and which set out the mechanisms available for confidential reporting and actions to be taken. This information can be accessed by Constabulary and OPCCN staff on the Norfolk Police website and intranet, or advice can be sought from the Professional Standards Department.