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Safer Streets Survey

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) is working with partners to prevent crime in your area and wants to hear your views.

In July 2020, we were awarded funding from the Home Office's Safer Streets Fund to reduce crime in your area. We want to be able to measure the impact of our bid, which is why we are seeking your views on crime and anti-social behaviour.

We have created a short survey for local residents to complete, which is being promoted through postcards delivered to relevant addresses. This is the first of two surveys which will be used to evaluate the impact of our interventions on residents' fear and perception of crime and anti-social behaviour.

SSF Final

To measure the impact of the project, we only want to hear from residents living in a specific area. If you have received an invitation (which looks like the image to the left), please do take part in our survey before it closes on 4 January 2020.

Take the survey now

Your responses will be anonymous and the survey does not ask for identifiable information. The surveys will be processed by the OPCCN. If any identifiable information is provided, the OPCCN will ensure that any publications relating to the survey maintain anonymity. The OPCCN complies with data protection legislation, including GDPR, by applying its Data Protection Policy.

Find out more about the Safer Streets Fund

If you want to speak to anyone about the survey then please contact