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Terrorism and the mind: The mental health frontline

This podcast from BBC Sounds takes a look at the debate around mental health and extremism, including how people with mental health issues are managed through Prevent.

ConnectFutures video

Last week, we were pleased to see ConnectFutures resharing a video from a few years ago on their social media, where they speak with Yasmin, whose job was to recruit other women to join extremist organisations, and who now works to dissuade young people from following a similar path.

New statistics show increase in Prevent referrals

Counter Terrorism Policing’s Head of Prevent has warned that the latest Prevent statistics show a continuation of the ‘worrying trend’ of children becoming more prevalent in CT casework.

> You can access the article here

The Standards and Compliance Unit (StaCU) has been set up to make sure anyone applying the Prevent Duty, or providing training on Prevent, follows the right process and standards. It provides a provides a clear, independent, and accessible route for people to raise those concerns.

StaCU has been created in response to recommendation 34 of the Independent Review of Prevent to process and investigate complaints from both Prevent practitioners and the general public.

Practitioners and members of the public can use an online form to complain or raise concerns by completing a form at:

StaCU is not able to respond to complaints related to Prevent policy, only to how it has been applied.