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Delay in publication of Statement of Accounts - 2022/23

Notice of Delay to Publication of the audited Statement of Accounts 2022/23.

The external audit of the draft statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 has not yet been completed by our external auditors, Ernst & Young LLP, due to the complex set of factors contributing to audit delays across the sector.

This situation is allowed for by Regulation 10, paragraph (2a) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. Visit the for more information.

Therefore, this notification explains, as per paragraph (2a), that we are not yet able to publish our audited 2022/23 final statement of accounts in line with deadline of 30th September 2023, as per paragraph (1).

The Audit Committee will consider the results of the 2022/23 audit, after which we will publish the final audited accounts.

Jill Penn
Chief Finance Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk

Peter Jasper
Assistant Chief Officer / Chief Finance Officer, Norfolk Constabulary