PCC urges people to 'Stay at Home' this Bank Holiday weekend
Norfolk's Police and Crime Commissioner Lorne Green has joined leaders from across the county in urging the Norfolk public to 'Stay at Home' this Easter bank holiday weekend.
No matter how tempting the weather may make it for you and your families to want to venture out you are being reminded that guidelines state you should only leave your house for very limited reasons, including shopping for basic necessities, medical needs, travelling to work where you cannot work from home and one form of exercise a day.
Most Norfolk residents continue to listen to Government advice to help protect the NHS but with Norfolk Police still receiving more than 300 calls last weekend giving information around members of the public ignoring the guidelines it is clear the message still needs to get through to some.
"With the four-day Easter bank holiday weekend on the horizon it will be very tempting for many families to want to venture further afield and enjoy the warm weather predicted," said Lorne.
"But now is the time more than ever that we simply must adhere to the Government and NHS guidelines and 'Stay at Home'.
“We all need to follow the rules, we have done so well so far and it is incumbent on us all to do our very best to protect the NHS and save lives. Your actions this weekend will make a difference.
“Easter brings the promise of new hope. Passover brings the promise of freedom from oppression. We will get past this crisis to a restored life for our community, our world. By our continued sacrifices, honouring the Government’s call to stay at home, we can save the NHS and ultimately save lives.”The PCC's message comes on the day a countywide social media campaign urging people to 'Stay at Home' was launched by the Norfolk Resilience Forum with leaders from acorss Norfolk supporting the same simple message.
The Government guidelines do not support travelling to other households to see family and friends, or visiting tourist spots or public open spaces to meet up or sunbathe.
Simon Bailey, Chief Constable of Norfolk Constabulary, said: “I would like to thank the vast majority of people who have been adhering to the guidelines; however, we know a small minority have not.
“I understand it will be difficult for communities this weekend, especially as many of us would have been planning to get together with friends and relatives - but it is vital people understand that this is a public health emergency, not a public holiday.
“Right now, our priority is to protect local communities and social distancing will only be effective if we all work together and follow the same advice to stay at home. No one person is immune to this situation and the restrictions are in place to prevent the spread of the disease, protect the NHS and help save lives.
“The message is simple – stay safe and stay home.”